10-Week Weight Loss Program

10-Week Weight Loss Program



12 Microcurrent Treatments while in a 60-minute Ballancer®Pro session

A 10-Week Meal Plan

Supplements to Support Your Weight Loss

3 Nutrition Coaching Sessions 

VALUE: $4,200


Heal Your Metabolism

Increase Lymphatic Drainage

Reduce Inflammation

Revitalize Cells and Energy

Weight Loss


 Microcurrent is an all natural, safe and effective treatment that helps to increase your own body’s natural healing capabilities. Our 10 Week Weight Loss Program is designed to help heal your metabolism, mindset and relationship with food. Achieve results that last and are easy to maintain!


“Since starting the Microcurrent Weight Loss Program 10 weeks ago - I have lost 9.4 lbs and 3.3% body fat, BMI has decreased by 1.5 points and I have lost 1 inch of my hips.” 

 “In 6 weeks I have lost 7.8 pounds, my BMI has decreased by 1.4 and my fat has decreased by 1.4%, I have lost 1 inch from my chest, .5 inches from my arms, and 2 inches from my hips!” -A.S.

“With the 10 Week Weight Loss Program, I have SO much more energy, I am sleeping better and have finally lost the stubborn weight that was not budging no matter what I was doing. After 6 weeks, I am down 9 pounds and have lost 3.5 inches off of my waist”

“ In four weeks, I have lost 8 pounds, 6.5 inches off of my body and lost 3% total body fat. Best of all, I am eating more than I was before and do not feel like I am dieting!”

“Since starting the 10 Week Weight Loss Program, I have lost 11 lbs and 2% BMI in only 3 weeks!! I have also lost 2 inches off my waist and have gain 1.4% muscle. My cholesterol, HDL and LDL levels are all within normal ranges! Most important, I feel fabulous!”

 “I have not only lost the infamous 10 lbs and have maintained it for weeks; I have – in the first seven weeks lost another 5.6 lbs and decreased my BMI by 2.3%.! My skin has been completely blemish-free (unheard of!)”

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